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This Omani Rial and Mintcoin convertor is up to date with exchange rates from March 8, 2025.

Enter the amount to be converted in the box to the left of Omani Rial. Use "Swap currencies" to make Mintcoin the default currency. Click on Mintcoins or Omani Rials to convert between that currency and all other currencies.

The Omani Rial is the currency in Oman (OM, OMN). The Mintcoin is the currency in no countries. The Omani Rial is also known as the Omani Riyal. The symbol for OMR can be written RO. The symbol for XMT can be written XMT. The Omani Rial is divided into 1000 baizas. The exchange rate for the Omani Rial was last updated on March 5, 2025 from The International Monetary Fund. The exchange rate for the Mintcoin was last updated on December 1, 2021 from The OMR conversion factor has 6 significant digits. The XMT conversion factor has 15 significant digits.

0.200 8780
0.500 21,960
1.000 43,920
2.000 87,850
5.000 219,620
10.000 439,240
20.000 878,480
50.000 2,196,190
100.000 4,392,380
200.000 8,784,760
500.000 21,961,890
1000.000 43,923,780
2000.000 87,847,550
5000.000 219,618,880
10,000.000 439,237,770
20,000.000 878,475,540
50,000.000 2,196,188,840
OMR rate
March 5, 2025
10,000 0.230
20,000 0.455
50,000 1.140
100,000 2.275
200,000 4.555
500,000 11.385
1,000,000 22.765
2,000,000 45.535
5,000,000 113.835
10,000,000 227.665
20,000,000 455.335
50,000,000 1138.335
100,000,000 2276.670
200,000,000 4553.345
500,000,000 11,383.355
1,000,000,000 22,766.715
2,000,000,000 45,533.425
XMT rate
December 1, 2021

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