This currency convertor is up to date with exchange rates from March 7, 2025.
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The Honduran Lempira is the currency in Honduras (HN, HND).
The symbol for HNL can be written L.
The Honduran Lempira is divided into 100 centavos.
The exchange rate for the Honduran Lempira was last updated on June 5, 2023 from MSN.
The HNL conversion factor has 5 significant digits.
Currency Conversion Comments
how much is American $9.00 worth in Honduras?
In Honduras $9.00 are worth L.170.06. This means a medium pizza with 2 cokes; 3 taxi fares within the city;3 BK hamburger combos or 3 movie tickets.
My wife and I are leaving next week to Honduras as missionaries.
Your conversion page is a Godsend since we are expecting to visit many countries, not just in the Americas, but all over the world.
Thank you.
How much is 30 Lempiras in US Dollars