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This Argentum and Guinean Franc convertor is up to date with exchange rates from March 8, 2025.

Enter the amount to be converted in the box to the left of Argentum. Use "Swap currencies" to make Guinean Franc the default currency. Click on Guinean Francs or Argentums to convert between that currency and all other currencies.

The Argentum is the currency in no countries. The Guinean Franc is the currency in Guinea (GN, GIN). The Guinean Franc is also known as Franc Guineen. The symbol for ARG can be written ARG. The symbol for GNF can be written FG. The exchange rate for the Argentum was last updated on December 17, 2022 from The exchange rate for the Guinean Franc was last updated on June 5, 2023 from MSN. The ARG conversion factor has 14 significant digits. The GNF conversion factor has 4 significant digits.

0.200 8345
0.500 20,862
1.000 41,724
2.000 83,449
5.000 208,622
10.000 417,244
20.000 834,488
50.000 2,086,220
100.000 4,172,439
200.000 8,344,878
500.000 20,862,196
1000.000 41,724,391
2000.000 83,448,783
5000.000 208,621,956
10,000.000 417,243,913
20,000.000 834,487,826
50,000.000 2,086,219,565
ARG rate
December 17, 2022
5000 0.120
10,000 0.240
20,000 0.479
50,000 1.198
100,000 2.397
200,000 4.793
500,000 11.983
1,000,000 23.967
2,000,000 47.934
5,000,000 119.834
10,000,000 239.668
20,000,000 479.336
50,000,000 1198.340
100,000,000 2396.680
200,000,000 4793.359
500,000,000 11,983.398
1,000,000,000 23,966.797
GNF rate
June 5, 2023

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